Scandinavian Biopharma is launching an updated brand identity

We have refreshed our brand identity for it to better align with our business model, core values and vision. The whole team has been engaged in the rebranding process and together we have formed the basis of Scandinavian Biopharma’s new graphical design that is being launched today.

We are a research-based biotech company determined to give people worldwide a longer and better life. We are developing the first vaccine for protection against diarrhoea caused by ETEC in both travellers and endemic populations. We distribute a wide range of specialty biopharma products with focus on vaccines and immunoglobulins. We are an entrepreneurial company and experts in global vaccine development, manufacturing, registration and commercialisation of biopharmaceutical products. We are driven by a strong moral compass and consider our ethical responsibility in every business-related decision.

Everyone deserves a chance to live a healthy life full of opportunities. We are convinced that health drives societies forward by contributing to important social advancements and growth. As a result of the rebranding, all our businesses have been consolidated under a common logo. In addition, the newly launched graphical update is part of the long-term effort to make Scandinavian Biopharma a strong player on the global arena.

”We believe that our new brand identity clearly and consistently reflects our vision and core values. We are a specialty biopharma company with strong confidence in our own expertise. WHO has judged our research project – the development of the first vaccine against ETEC – as the most advanced within its field. With our business, we are truly making a difference in the world!”, says Björn Sjöstrand, CEO Scandinavian Biopharma.



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We are a research-based specialty biopharma company determined to give people worldwide a longer and better life.