We are proud to be part of the fight against malaria through our collaboration with Care Plus®

Yesterday, 25 April, was World Malaria Day. This day was created by the World Health Organization to commemorate the enormous impact a mosquito infected with malaria parasites has. Although the world is currently shaken up by the coronavirus, we want to pay attention to the effect the bite of a malaria mosquito causes. Every year, malaria causes over 209 million infections and 409,000 deaths. Many victims are children below the age of five. Because of this, the mosquito is known as the deadliest animal on earth.

Care Plus®, for example mosquito nets and anti-insect products, is working towards a malaria-free world by 2030 and is really contributing to combatting this preventable infectious disease.

Want to know how?

Malaria Impact Report: https://malariafree2030.org/impactreport2020/



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