We are delighted to be highlighted in the science and innovation magazine, EU Research magazine, from the European Union

EU Research magazine is the World leading open access publication for scientific research and dissemination. The magazine highlights the most promising project outcomes in a range of domains, with a focus on a particular theme in every issue. We are extremely happy that our vaccine development project is highlighted in the 100th issue of EU […]

We are proud to be part of the fight against malaria through our collaboration with Care Plus®

Yesterday, 25 April, was World Malaria Day. This day was created by the World Health Organization to commemorate the enormous impact a mosquito infected with malaria parasites has. Although the world is currently shaken up by the coronavirus, we want to pay attention to the effect the bite of a malaria mosquito causes. Every year, […]

Scandinavian Biopharma shows strong financial results for the pandemic year 2020

The year we have left behind us has been different in many ways. Despite the major impact the pandemic had on operations in 2020, Scandinavian Biopharma reports largely unchanged revenue for the distribution operations and important progress has been made in the development of the ETEC vaccine candidate ETVAX®. Our world-leading position in diarrhoea vaccine […]

Scandinavian Biopharma is present at Nordic Life Science Days

The Nordic region’s largest partnering conference for the global life science industry, Nordic Life Science Days (NLSD), is currently ongoing. NLSD attracts leading decision makers from biotech, pharma and MedTech as well as finance, research, policy and regulatory authorities. The event showcases a mixture of hot life science topics. On the agenda there is topical […]