The Entrepreneur of the Year in Solna

We are proud that Björn Sjöstrand, CEO of Scandinavian Biopharma, was awarded the Entrepreneur of the Year in Solna 2018 among 10 000 company leaders! Pehr Granfalk (Kommunstyrelsens ordförande), Björn Sjöstrand, Scandinavian Biopharma, Niclas Herneteg (Företagarna) and Jan Marklund (Handelskammaren). Photo: Casper Hedberg  

Our collaboration partner, Jan Holmgren, is receiving the world’s biggest award in the field of global health

Professor Jan Holmgren at the University of Gothenburg and the American Professor John Clemens are this year’s recipients of Prince Mahidol’s Award in Public Health – the world’s biggest award in the field of global health. Jan is receiving the award for his ground-breaking research on the development of the world’s first effective drinkable cholera […]

Scandinavian Biopharma awarded the Swedish national tender for the TdaP booster vaccine

The national public tender for the booster dose of TdaP vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis), has now been completed. Scandinavian Biopharma was for the second consecutive period awarded this tender and diTekiBooster will continue to be administered to all adolescents in Sweden 13-14 years old. diTekiBooster was considered to have a medical benefit due to […]