Guest editor for Stockholm Science City on Instagram

This week, 15th – 19th January, Scandinavian Bioharma through Lisa Sandberg, is the guest editor for Stockholm Science City on Instagram sthlmscisity. Please join us during this week.

Our vaccine project on PATH´s DefeatDD Blog

PATH´s Defeat Diarrheal Disease Initiative (DefeatDD) raise awareness of the burden of diarrheal diseases and help increase access to the solution. On the DefeatDD blog you can read the latest on global efforts to defeat diarrheal disease. This week our ongoing clinical trial in travellers going to Benin is highlighted.

Welcome to Scandinavian Biopharma,

We are an entrepreneurial company specialised in global vaccine development, manufacturing, registration and commercialization of biopharmaceutical products. Our team has previously successfully developed, manufactured, registered and globally launched vaccines. We are driven by a strong moral compass and consider out ethical responsibility in every business-related decision. Together we are determined to develop the world’s first […]