Our ETEC-story is told in ”European Biotechnology”

In the editorial hardback book ”European Biotechnology” we tell our story and describe our role within the life science/ biotech industry. What makes us unique, what is our goals and research collaborations? We tell the story about the ETEC vaccine that will be an important tool to battle diarrheal disease. http://www.hornonline.com/books/european_biotechnology/#204         […]

ETVAX® was presented at ASTMH in Philadelphia

This week the 64th meeting of ASTMH (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene) was held in Philadelphia, USA. The annual meeting was a five-day educational conference that drew approximately 4,400 attendees. Our ETEC vaccine Etvax® was of cause on the agenda. Professor Svennerholm gave a talk about the great properties and development achievements of […]